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This page is dedicated to Sophus Wilhelm Weikop, known as Guillermo in Argentina. Sophus is the ancestor to all Weikops and many others in Argentina.
Sophus was born 19/7-1866 in Copenhagen at ‘Fødsels og plejestiftelsen‘, an institution founded in 1750, where unmarried women could give birth without revealing the name of the father. That was not the case for the mother of Sophus, Emilie Martine Myhre, as she was married to Ferdinand Vilhelm Weikop 4 years before. Both Emilie Martine and Ferdinand Vilhelm were born in 1839 and were 27 years when Sophus was born.
Sophus was the third child for Emilie and Ferdinand. The first child, Carl Ludvig Vilhelm, was born 6 months after the wedding in 1862. 18 months later in 1864 the second child, Sophus Martin, was born but he died at the age of 1 year old in 1865 of scarlet fever.
Emilie and Ferdinand had a total of 11 children of which 4 died before the age of 2 years. The youngest was Holger Oluf, who was born in 1880 and is the ancestor to one of the linis of Weikop in Denmark – the line Karsten is a member of.
We do not know much about the childhood of Sophus.
in Denmark there were censuses in 1870 and in 1880 and at both, he lived together with his mother and father at Store Kongensgade 100, in the middle of Copenhagen.
In October 1880 he was confirmated in Holmens Kirke, a church famous for having hosted the wedding between Margrethe II of Denmark, current queen of Denmark, and prince Henrik in 1967. It is the burial site of such notabilities as naval heroes Niels Juel and Peter Tordenskjold.
At the next census in 1885, Sophus is registered at Frederiks Hospital in Bredgade, Copenhagen. He is unmarried and his occupation is butler. Why he is at the hospital is not known. The hospital was run as an independent institution with the purpose of giving free care and cure to patients without means. About two thirds of the patients were treated free of charge.
The next many years we have no knowledge about Sophus movement around. His mother dies in 1891 at the mental hospital Sankt Hans in Roskilde. The reason for dead is noted as insanity, but at that time, it could be many other reasons. She was enrolled at Alminde Hospital in 1888, the it was not a hospital in normal sense but more a place for poor people. She was transferred to Roskilde in 1889 and stayed there until her dead.
In her probate, his brother Carl says: “The son Sophus, travelled to Brazil 3 years ago as a sailor. I heard from him a year ago and at that time he was in Buenos Ayres. I have later written to him without getting an answer. The last address I have from him is Deutsche Bond, Passeo Julio no 236/420 Buenos Ayres. At that time he was a worker (trabajador)”.
There is no information about how Sophus came from Denmark to Brazil and later to Argentina.
The first information that exists for Sophus living in Argentina is the 1895 census, where he lives in Sección 20, Subdivisión 113, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Argentina and it says he is married to Crena Tantis, who is 19 years and from Holland.

Catalina Martin has send the picture above with the following comments:
The pictures is of a jar that Martha gave to my father (Fernando). This jar was from Sophus, he had it in the boat. He was a merchant marine captain. We used to have an album with photos of it but we unfortunately lost it. I do know that it was a boat of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company.
Sophus and Antonia
Even if the 1895 census says that Sophus was married to Crena, he ended up with having a family with Antonia Merlo. They has many children
- Martha Maria Weikop, born 1899, died 2 Sep 1994, La Plata, Buenos Aires, (Age 94 years)
- Emilio Francisco Weikop, born abt 1902, died 23 Aug 1969, La Plata, Buenos Aires, (Age 67 years)
- Angela Ida “Angélica” Weikop, born 17 Apr 1903, Buenos Aires, date of death unknown
- Antonio Weikop, born abt 1910, , died 25 Oct 1978, La Plata, Buenos Aires, (Age 68 years)
- Roberto Weikop, born abt 1910, , died 2 Nov 1972, La Plata, Buenos Aires, (Age 62 years)
- Guillermina Weikop, date of birth unknown, date of death unknown
According to Graciela Weikop, who send me a family tree in 2012, there should also be a daughter named Norma Gladys. It has been found that Norma Gladys died 2. Dec 2000, House Italo Di Lazzaro at the age of 67, i.e. she was born in 1933 and therefore she not was a daughter of Sophus and Antonia. Does anyone have more information about Glady, then please contact me.
There are many descendants of Sophus and Antonia. As far as it is known, they are either children of Martha Maria or Antonio, who soon will have their own page. Please do not hesitate to send information about Martha or Antonio.
Catalina Martin has send the picture with the following comments:
Those are masonic medals. Sophus came to live in La Plata already being a mason. Take a look to this link, it’s about the story of my city that was built by masons!!
Sophus dies in 1921 at the age of 54. He is buried at Cementerio Municipal de La Plata, Buenos Aires.
It is not known when Antonia died, nor when she was born. Only that she was born in Italy.
Family tree
If you want to see the full family tree of the Argentina family, then contact me and I’ll send it to you. You can also see it online at, but remember that in order to see living people or people who has died within the last 30 years, you must sign up before being able to see the full family free.